Incident Response Service

Incident Response Service

You’ve been hacked? contact our local teams to assist with Cyber Security Incidents.

Cyber security Incident Response Service is the approach an organization takes to plan for, manage,respond and mitigate cyber security incidents. The objective of cyber incident response is to limit the damage and disruption of attacks . Take restore operations as quickly as possible where necessary.

Dealing with a cyber security breach requires quick and strategic steps to protect your valuable resources, operations, and reputation. Whether such incidents are caused by external factors or internal sources, the incident response experts at Insight are available to provide immediate assistance. Equipped with advanced technology, our experienced team excels in conducting investigations both remotely and on-site, ensuring a fast and efficient response to any incident.

Hacker Negotiantion

Ransomware Incident Response Service

A ransomware incident response service may also involve negotiation with the hackers or threat actors responsible for the attack. Negotiation can be a delicate and complex process aimed at potentially reducing the ransom amount or negotiating the release of encrypted data.

24/7 response - anytime, anywhere

Insight is a leading provider of end-to-end cybersecurity, Incident Response Service , digital forensics and breach response services – responding to over 3,000 security events every year. Our goal is to quickly contain the compromise and smoothly guide you to recovery, to leave your team in the strongest position possible, with minimal business disruption and your reputation intact.

Incident Response Service ransomware

Incident response planning

What is an Incident Response Service?

An incident response plan (IRP) is a document that outlines a strategy to guide your organization’s actions in the aftermath of a security incident.

Your incident response plan should effectively communicate the steps your organization must take following a cyber-attack in a clear and comprehensive manner. It should identify and define tasks, procedures, and responsibilities for each stage of the incident, ensuring that specific activities have designated roles and responsibilities.

What are the steps in responding to an incident?

While the details of an incident response plan may vary depending on the nature and size of your organization, the process generally involves the following key steps:

Before an incident occurs, it’s important to have a plan in place. This includes setting up processes, creating scenarios for practice, and ensuring that employees are trained for their roles in incident response.

This step involves identifying if your organization has been compromised and understanding the extent of the impact. If a breach occurs, it should be documented and reported promptly. Gathering evidence is crucial, and it’s important to involve the right people to take action. Key aspects to address include who discovered the breach, its scope, impact on operations, and potential source.

During this stage, immediate action is taken to limit further damage and preserve evidence. It involves taking steps to mitigate the potential harm as quickly as possible. Additionally, capturing a snapshot of the affected systems using forensic software helps preserve evidence and gain insights into the nature of the compromise. Temporary repairs are made to the affected systems, removing any unauthorized access and installing security patches.

In this stage, the focus is on identifying the cause of the incident, removing any malware or threats introduced by the attackers, and restoring affected systems to a secure state. The goal is to prevent similar attacks from happening again in the future.

This stage involves restoring affected systems and devices to their previous state. It includes checking if systems have been patched, hardened, and tested, restoring from reliable backups, and implementing tools to prevent similar attacks in the future. It’s the phase where organizations can resume normal operations while minimizing the risk of further incidents.

After the investigation is complete, it’s important to reflect on the incident and learn from it. This includes discussing and documenting the lessons learned by the incident response team. The goal is to understand what worked well and what can be improved in the incident response plan for future incidents.”

Remember, it’s essential to adapt the steps to fit your organization’s specific needs and consult with experts in cybersecurity for further guidance.

Incident response services

On-site or Remote incident response services:
If you need help in an emergency incident or long-term support to enhance your company cyber incident response procedures, our experts are on hand 24/7 to provide assistance across the incident lifecycle.

Cyber incident response service features

Get the assistance your team requires to promptly address incidents and minimize the harm and interruptions they can cause. Additionally, we can provide support in developing a practical and efficient plan for responding to cyber incidents in the future.

We have a specialized team that can support your university in creating and enacting a strong plan to handle cybersecurity incidents. Additionally, our security assessment team can evaluate the effectiveness of your plan by conducting practical exercises like scenario-based assessments and red team operations.

We use our knowledge in computer forensics and traditional investigative methods to make sure that we don’t miss any important digital evidence. Our aim is to give you a precise understanding of the systems and data that have been compromised during the incident

If a major incident occurs, our team of experts in cyber incident response is here to help. We have a dedicated global team that can provide support remotely or come to your location, no matter the time, to assist you.

Our team of experts can help you clearly communicate the impact of incidents to different groups, such as people within the university, partners, customers, and regulators. We also provide guidance and support to help you recover from incidents quickly and prevent additional harm and disruptions.

CyberSecurity Incident response FAQs

Incident response is the process of reacting to and managing cyber security incidents. Its purpose is to minimize the negative effects and interruptions caused by cyber-attacks and, if necessary, restore operations as soon as possible.

An incident response plan is a documented set of actions and procedures that guides an organization’s response to security incidents. It helps ensure a timely and effective response by providing clear instructions on what steps to take and who is responsible for them.

A Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is a specialized group of experts who are responsible for addressing security incidents. A CSIRT typically consists of professionals from various departments, including security, IT, and digital forensics, who handle different aspects of cybersecurity. Additionally, a CSIRT may involve individuals from public relations (PR), human resources (HR), or legal departments to assist with breach reporting and meeting notification requirements.

When a security incident happens, it’s crucial to remain calm and composed. An effective incident response relies on having a well-defined and strong incident response plan in place. This plan outlines the specific actions that key individuals or groups should take in different scenarios.

A cyber incident, also known as a cybersecurity incident, refers to an event that has the potential to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information. In simpler terms, this could include unauthorized data breaches, unlawful data manipulation, unauthorized alteration of data, or malicious attempts to disrupt or deny access to services.

As stated by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC):

“Incident response (IR) is a complex process influenced by two key factors. Firstly, each incident is unique and requires a tailored response. Secondly, successful responses require a combination of people, processes, and technical elements working together effectively.

Planning your incident response in advance is crucial. It plays a significant role in determining the outcome of real-world incidents.”

Your incident response plan serves as a strategic roadmap that outlines the necessary steps for your organization to take when dealing with different types of attacks. It ensures that you can act swiftly and decisively to protect your organization’s reputation and financial well-being.

When clearly defined and implemented in a timely manner, the incident response plan can make a substantial difference in effectively addressing incidents and minimizing disruptions to your organization. Furthermore, it demonstrates to stakeholders and regulators your organization’s full commitment to tackling new and emerging threats.

Sure! Here are the typical steps involved in cybersecurity incident response:

1. Preparation:
– Develop an incident response plan: Create a documented plan that outlines the roles, responsibilities, and procedures to follow during an incident.
– Establish an incident response team: Assemble a team of individuals with the necessary skills and expertise to handle different aspects of incident response.
– Implement monitoring and detection systems: Set up tools and technologies to monitor network traffic, logs, and security events to detect potential incidents.

2. Identification and Initial Assessment:
– Detect the incident: Identify any suspicious or abnormal activities that could indicate a security incident.
– Gather initial information: Collect data and evidence related to the incident, such as logs, system snapshots, or network captures.
– Assess the severity and impact: Determine the potential impact of the incident on the organization’s systems, data, and operations.

3. Containment and Mitigation:
– Isolate affected systems: Remove compromised systems from the network to prevent further spread of the incident.
– Implement temporary measures: Take immediate steps to limit the impact of the incident and prevent further damage.
– Patch vulnerabilities or close security gaps: Address any identified vulnerabilities or weaknesses that contributed to the incident.

4. Investigation and Analysis:
– Conduct a detailed investigation: Analyze the incident to determine the root cause, the extent of the compromise, and the methods used by the attacker.
– Preserve evidence: Document and secure evidence related to the incident for potential legal or forensic purposes.
– Identify affected systems and data: Determine which systems, applications, or data have been compromised or affected.

5. Remediation and Recovery:
– Remove malicious presence: Eliminate the attacker’s access and presence from the affected systems.
– Restore affected systems: Rebuild or restore compromised systems to a secure and known good state.
– Implement long-term solutions: Address underlying security weaknesses or vulnerabilities to prevent similar incidents in the future.

6. Reporting and Communication:
– Notify appropriate stakeholders: Inform relevant internal teams, management, and legal authorities about the incident.
– Document the incident: Maintain a detailed record of the incident, actions taken, and outcomes for future reference and analysis.
– Communicate with affected parties: Inform any customers, partners, or individuals impacted by the incident, as required by regulations or best practices.

7. Lessons Learned and Improvement:
– Perform a post-incident analysis: Evaluate the incident response process and identify areas for improvement.
– Update the incident response plan: Incorporate lessons learned into the incident response plan to enhance future incident handling.
– Conduct training and awareness: Provide ongoing training and awareness programs to educate employees about cybersecurity best practices.

Keep in mind that the specific steps and their order may vary depending on the organization, the nature of the incident, and applicable regulations or industry standards.

An incident response plan should include instructions for:

  • Clarifying who is responsible for what in the response process.
  • Describing step-by-step technical procedures and when to involve higher-level personnel.
  • Planning how to gather necessary resources and document the incident.
  • Establishing effective communication and notification procedures.
  • Setting a schedule for reviewing and testing the plan’s effectiveness.